There are times when you just do not feel like doing anything. The mere thought of getting out of bed can be tiring. You are not unmotivated or lazy, but you can’t put a finger on what the feeling is.
Your energy is all drained out, and even the smallest tasks seem mammoth. This feeling could be temporary, or could last for a longer time, triggering more serious issues such as a general lack of interest towards anything.
While it’s normal to feel this way, it’s not an easy feeling to deal with. If you’re asking the question of what to do when you don’t want to do anything, read on.
1. Roll with It
A lot of the time, we’re so guilty of refusing to feel any negative emotions that we try to either shut it off or cover it up with fake positivity. Not only will this not work, but you’ll feel much worse than you originally felt. When you feel like you don’t want to do anything, this may be your body telling you that you need a break. This is otherwise known as burnout or emotional exhaustion.
Most often than not, this feeling stems from mental as well as emotional exhaustion, whether from work, personal problems, relationships, or another factor entirely. If you’ve been pushing yourself beyond your limits and to the point of no return, then it’s time to go easy on yourself.
This is where self-compassion is needed. You need to permit yourself to rest so you can feel motivated again. Otherwise, you’ll feel like you’re stuck in this endless cycle of apathy and mere existence, not really living your life.
If you’re a perfectionist, you’re even more guilty of this than you think. Your need to be in control all the time can exhaust you to the point of not wanting to do anything at all.
2. Get Outdoors
It’s easy to feel like you don’t want to do anything if you’re in constant isolation and work is all you’ve got. It won’t do any harm to go outside, even for just a few hours of your day. Going outside even if it is for a short while, is the perfect solution to get away from it all, especially when things get overwhelming.
Even a short 10-minute walk outdoors can go a long way in refreshing your mind and rejuvenating your spirits.
3. Sort through Your Emotions
It is easy to be consumed by your feelings, whether it’s anxiousness, depression, stress, anger, frustration, loneliness, or hopelessness. It is also easy to wallow in self-pity but at the end of the day, you need to tell yourself that these feelings aren’t going to help you. By analyzing and sorting through your emotions, you can break the hold they have on you and get clarity and relief.
There are various ways to do this, whether it’s by writing down what you feel through journaling or by letting yourself feel your emotions through meditation. By figuring out what you feel and letting yourself feel them, you release the heaviness of everything. While not wanting to do anything can feel extremely numbing and frustrating, it can also be caused by feeling everything a little too much.
4. Meditate
We’ve mentioned a bit on meditation in the point above, but we’ll dive into this further. Meditation is a breathing practice that allows you to have better control of your life, especially when you have a tendency to be anxious. If anxiety and fear allow you to lose your grasp on life, meditation does the exact opposite – it gives you the capacity to control yourself and your senses.
While meditation is associated with doing absolutely nothing, it’s consciously practicing to be present while accepting and letting go of your emotions. Meditation can help you keep in touch with your inner self while you tackle the feeling of disconnect and numbness that’s seeping through your life.
While it is not easy to feel connected with your emotions, meditation helps you address your emotions without fear of judgment and criticism.
5. Reach out to Someone You Trust
Nobody should ever go through their darkness alone so if you do not know how to deal with your emotions by yourself, reach out to someone you trust and can be vulnerable with. Putting all your emotions and thoughts out there can feel therapeutic. You never know, opening yourself up to someone can just be what you need to get your spark and your productivity back.
There’s no right or wrong thing when it comes to reaching out to someone you trust. If you’re looking for advice, go to someone reliable, level headed, and knowledgeable of the matter. However, if you just need to vent and are looking for someone to listen, reach out to the empathetic listener in your circle.
6. Figure out What Makes You Feel Most Alive
Knowing what makes you feel most alive is the best way to ignite your spark to get yourself moving. The reason behind not wanting to do anything may come from a lack of creativity or passion. You may be spending too much time on work that doesn’t feel fulfilling to you.
If doing what you love is what fuels your soul, then do it. Find the place, person, or thing that makes you feel most alive and focus on that feeling. Life is too often harsh and it’s important to live your life to the fullest and not just exist through the motions. Figure out what makes you happy, passionate, and alive, and go do that.
7. Check-in with Your Needs
It’s easy to stop neglecting your own needs for the sake of others but you have to realize that your needs are important too. Don’t forget to take care of yourself before others so you don’t let go of your light and energy. Not wanting to do anything may be due to the lack of self-care so take time out often to recharge and give yourself all of the love and attention you need.
Ask yourself whether you’re spending enough time taking care of your health – mental, emotional, and physical – and whether you need time to recharge from socializing too much. Being aligned with your needs can help you get your motivation and drive on the right track.
8. Create a Schedule
If you’re having a specifically hard time doing anything at all – even getting out of bed – creating a schedule or a routine can be helpful. This can help you gain a sense of control in your life, despite not having the energy to do anything. Sticking to a routine gives you clarity and allows you to see your day from a better perspective, whether personally or professionally.
As mundane as it sounds, sticking to a routine is sometimes all you need to give you direction. It is easy to create one whether on a planner or a notebook. It doesn’t have to be extremely detail-oriented and does not have to focus on the tiny details. It can be as simple as listing out every routine task that shapes your day, whether it’s having breakfast, watching a movie, or even working out.
9. Engage in Distractions
Don’t be afraid to engage in distractions like watching a movie or reading a fiction novel. These are all normal things to enjoy, especially on days you have no energy to do anything at all. When getting out of bed seems too exhausting, give yourself permission to lay back and enjoy a good movie instead.
The idea that rest is counter-productive is something we’ve told ourselves to make the most of this fast-paced world we live in. Or it is a thought that has been ingrained in us since childhood. You need to remember that rest and lazy days are all part of life. Allow yourself to enjoy doing nothing for once. You never know – this may spark the flame that’s been missing all along.
10. Check Your Mental Health
Though this is the last point on the list it is nevertheless crucial. If your mood of not wanting to do anything lasts for weeks – even months – it could be a sign of depression. While you should never self-diagnose yourself or assume the worst, depression is a common mental illness that can affect anyone at any age.
Other symptoms of depression include a lack of interest in doing the things you used to love, numbness, emptiness, and fatigue. Always keep a check on your mental health and while a lack of interest in doing anything does not necessarily indicate depression it is always a possibility.
We hope this article was able to help you answer the question of what to do when you don’t want to do anything. It’s very normal to feel this way, especially when you’ve been overworked and neglecting your own needs. Maybe it is your body’s way of telling you it needs a break.
While these days are never easy to deal with, rather than stressing yourself out, just step back, and take time out to relax, rejuvenate and recuperate. We guarantee you’ll bounce back stronger with more zest for life.