All You Need To Know About London Weight Management

london weight management

Weight management is a crucial issue for people who suffer from diabetes. As people age, their metabolism naturally slows down and so the consequences of becoming overweight or obese can be quite serious. One in two adults aged 65 and over will have type 2 diabetes and this rate increases exponentially with age. 

Type 1 diabetes sufferers cannot take the weight off through dieting as insulin would need to be reduced significantly. This could lead to diabetic coma or even death. However, there is evidence to suggest that good control of blood sugar levels can reduce the risk of developing complications later on in life.

Therefore, it is important that people with Type 1 diabetes are aware of their blood sugar levels and take steps to maintain them as well as possible.

London Weight Management is different for each person because it needs to be tailored to the individual. There are a number of factors that need to be taken into account when considering weight management, but these can broadly be split into two categories:

1) Dietary considerations – changing food choices and meals/snacks throughout the day to include less fat, fewer simple carbohydrates, and more protein. This means limiting the intake of processed foods, sugars, fats, and oils where possible. This approach also includes increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables.

2) Lifestyle considerations – this includes encouraging regular exercise in order to increase metabolic rate.

There are low-fat alternatives to many high-fat foods, including spreads, ready meals, and snacks. As an example, instead of eating savory biscuits or crisps that are high in saturated fats, one could choose rice cakes or wholemeal crackers that contain much less fat. It is also worth bearing in mind that the ‘low-fat’ range does not always mean ‘healthy’. There can be added sugar and other ingredients which will increase the calorie content.

Instead, look for products where the first ingredient on the label is an unrefined form of carbohydrate such as wholewheat instead of sugar. Commercial weight-loss programmes often recommend low glycaemic index diets because these help to control blood sugar levels effectively.

The NHS recommends that people should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, although more is better and can be accumulated in shorter sessions. Exercise does not need to be strenuous and the benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness and psychological well-being.

London Weight Management is an important issue with many potential health benefits. It will help lower blood pressure further reducing the risk of heart disease or stroke. Managing weight can also improve cholesterol levels which have a significant impact on cardiac health. It is therefore crucial that people with diabetes do everything they can to keep an appropriate weight for their height.

When it comes to weight management, London Weight Management is a name you can trust. We understand that losing weight and maintaining healthy habits can be difficult on your own, which is why we offer one-on-one coaching sessions with our registered dietitian.

If this sounds like something you might need or want for yourself or someone in your life (a friend, family member), please contact us today. Our team of experts will help you create an individualized plan to get the results you’re looking for while still living your best lifestyle possible.

Nicole Middleton
Nicole calls herself a typical millennial girl and thrives on her share of social media, celebrity gossip, and all things viral content. She’s a big fan of pop music and plays the guitar as a hobby.