Funny New Year Wishes for Friends: 27 Hilarious Ideas

funny new year wishes for friends

Are you looking for some funny New Year wishes for friends? Take your pick, because these hilarious ideas are bound to leave anyone that reads them in stitches!

27 Witty and Light-Hearted New Year Wishes to Send to Friends

Hilarious New Year Wishes for Close Friends

Close Friends

#1. It’s time to forget our past misgivings and make space for some new misadventures! Happy New Year!

#2. I bet you’re as happy as I am that this year is reaching its end. After all the craziness we’ve been up to, it’s good that we’ll have a clean slate! Cheers, and a happy New Year!

#3. A new year is like a restart button. It’s a time when we can forget all of last year’s problems, and create all new ones!

#4. I was going to wish you a happy New Year, but I’m positive that you’ve already started on the wine, so I’m just going to say cheers, and have a wonderful time!

#5. This morning, I was set on quitting all my bad habits for the new year. Luckily, I soon remembered that nobody likes a quitter! So, I plan on ringing in the New Year with a bottle of wine in one hand, and a cigar in the other! I hope you have an equally inspirational New Year!

#6. This year, instead of wishing to be skinnier, I wish for all of our friends to gain 20 pounds! That way we’ll at least appear skinnier! Happy New Year to my best friend and partner in crime!

#7. I’m so excited that a New Year is about to start. It’s the perfect time to start messing up our lives all over again! Happy New Year!

#8. Did you know that we’re each given a clean slate on January the 1st? Every bad thing we’ve ever done doesn’t count anymore! And in case you haven’t heard of this rule before, it’s probably because I made it up just now. Anyway, have a happy New Year!

Funny Yet Heartfelt New Year Wishes


#9. You may think that just because the year is over you have a chance to reinvent yourself. Let me save you some time by telling you that you’re wasting your energy trying to become a better person because you’re already the best person I know! Love you, and have a magical New Year!

#10. Happy New Year! It’s time to bust out your pen and paper and start writing down your New Year’s resolutions. Let me help you with the first one: I hope to start buying my best friend better presents this year! Just kidding. Having you as a friend is the best gift I could ever ask for.

#11. I can honestly say that each year I spend with my best friend is a successful one! Cheers and here’s to making more memories in the New Year!

#12. The New Year marks the first blank page in a 365-page book. Let’s make sure to write a great story this time! Happy New Year!

#13. Have you ever wondered why a new year is considered a blank slate? Or, why do people seem to think their problems will magically disappear on January the 1st? No? Me neither! Let’s start creating new problems for our future selves! Happy New Year!

#14. New Year’s Day is a brand new chapter in a book full of success. Yes, there will be plenty of hardships along the way, but we need to focus on the positive outcomes. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s bring in the New Year with plenty of booze and unhealthy snacks! Happy New Year to us all!

Cynical New Year Wishes for Friends With a Broken Sense of Humor


#15. Let’s celebrate the New Year by honoring the time we’ve successfully wasted this year!

#16. New Year, new you! Just kidding! It’ll be the same old you. In fact, you’re stuck with yourself forever! Anyway, I hope my wise words will leave a lasting impact on you. Have a happy New Year!

#17. They say you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends. If that’s true, why in the world did I choose you? Oh, right. It’s because you have the same dry sense of humor as I do! Happy New Year to my cynical friend!

#18. I wish you a happy New Year filled with the things you like the most in life: sarcasm, cynicism, and more sarcasm!

#19. Why do they say it’s the most wonderful time of the year? All I can think about is how little I’ve managed to achieve, and how old I’ve gotten! Oh, well, at least I can find some solace in the fact that you’ve managed to achieve even less than me! Have a happy New Year, loser!

#20. May all of our dreams come true in the New Year, and may all of our enemies get old and fat! Here’s to celebrating a new beginning!

#21. It’s a brand new year, yet here we are with the same problems. Oh, well, at least we’re not dead! Cheers to us and let’s have a happy New Year!

#22. Our friends say we’re cynical, and that we always see a problem and never the solution. I say we’re smarter than all of those idiots because we like to keep things real. So, let’s have a happy, yet realistic New Year!

Ridiculous New Year Wishes


#23. My New Year’s resolution is to follow my dreams. That means I’ll be spending a lot of my time in bed. I hope you manage to fulfill your dreams too! Happy New Year!

#24. Let’s celebrate the New Year by making some new memories we’ll regret! Here’s to staying crazy and not caring what other people think!

#25. Happy New Year! I have two things to say. 1. Unfortunately, my list of accomplishments for the last year is quite short. 2. Fortunately, that means I don’t have to make a brand new list for the New Year! I hope your year will start on a positive note as well!

#26. As the year is coming to an end, we’re all happy to make a fresh start. Little do we know that the New Year is probably going to be even worse than the last. But hey, let’s enjoy our collective delusion for a little while longer! Happy New Year!

#27. Happy New Year! Should we celebrate how fat we are or the fact that we’re not millionaires yet? Oh well, I’m positive that this year will be much better! Here’s to blind positivity!

Nicole Middleton
Nicole calls herself a typical millennial girl and thrives on her share of social media, celebrity gossip, and all things viral content. She’s a big fan of pop music and plays the guitar as a hobby.